A new contract for the Ground Maintenance Team

The EJF Ground Maintenance Team have secured a new contract from Praxis Care to garden at Coombe House, a specialist nursing home for adults with profound and multiple learning disabilities in Kidderminster.

Our team visit fortnightly and already have made a big difference, clearing the undergrowth, cutting back trees, trimming hedges, clearing paths of moss, edging and mowing the lawns. 

The team are eager to improve the grounds and will be linking with Woodworks to replace aging planter boxes and a wishing well next year.

The Ground Maintenance Team have had a very successful year and there will be opportunities and vacancies arising soon. We are looking for more people who want to take that step closer to work and are also looking for new volunteers to lead and supervise.

For more information, please call 01562 861154.




Extravaganza success!